Capability Statement

GENOS LLC is a premier bioinformatics-as-a-service company, committed to enabling scientific teams with tailored bioinformatics capabilities and computational expertise. Our services span across a spectrum of applications, enabling us to deliver innovative solutions that meet unique client needs.

Core Competencies:

Bioinformatics Analyses

Comprehensive analysis of genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data using advanced bioinformatics tools and techniques. Seamless integration of diverse biological data sets to provide holistic insights and facilitate data-driven decision-making.

Custom Software Development

Development of bioinformatics software solutions tailored to the specific needs of research projects. Software solutions leverage scripting languages such as Python & R (C++ coming soon), and pipeline interfaces such as Snakemake & Nextflow. Implementation of machine learning algorithms for predictive modeling and data mining in biological datasets. Design and deployment of scalable cloud-based solutions for large-scale data analysis using AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure.

Advanced Data Visualization

Creation of visualizations, interactive reports and dashboards using tools such as ggplot2, R Shiny, and Plotly (D3.js coming soon) for comprehensive data exploration and interactive laboratory local dashboard development. (Coming soon: Development of genomic browsers and integrative data viewers (IGV) for detailed inspection of genomic and proteomic data.)

Grant Writing and Project Consulting

Expertise in grant proposal development, scientific review processes, and biotech project management. We collaborate write experimental teams to help thenm implement high-throughput bioinformatics in their proposals for securing research funding awards that align with combined capabilities.

Past Performance on Services Offered:

The current sole Founder of GENOS LLC, Dr. Osvaldo D. Rivera, and his related professional network, have a strong track record of delivering comprehensive bioinformatics analyses for large-scale projects and contributing to peer-reviewed publications [OCRID, BeackonPR]. Dr. Rivera has developed customized bioinformatics analyses and interactive reports complete with comprehensive methodologies explanation, publication-ready figures and expert biological interpretation to guide followup experimental precedures.

GENOS aims to develop solutions that plug into existing workflows for biotech startups, so that we can focus on enhancing your R&D capabilities and accelerating product development timelines via high-quality bioinformatics services. Our successful delivery of bioinformatics-driven projects for academic institutions and private biotech companies (and soon healthcare organizations) establishes us as a trusted partner for biotechnological and biomedical organizations and research groups.

GENOS and its related service provider network have a track record of:

  • Delivering standard genomic and transcriptomic analysis of cancer patient cohorts for a handful of collaborative academic projects, focusing on therapeutics development and populational genomics characterization, thereby contributing to mechanistic elucidation of disease.
  • Developing custom transcriptomic analysis pipelines for analysis of alternative RNA processing and editing, contributing to elucidating biology across human-derived tissue samples.
  • Delivering tailored molecular dynamics analyses of potential ligand-protein atomic interactions to academic investigators, contributing to the development of their biotech startup tech-transfer.
  • Developing customized genomics data production-level processing and analysis workflows for biotech startups, enhancing their R&D capabilities and accelerating their timelines.
  • Assisting clients in developing bioinformatics-driven research grant objectives through direct hands-on grant writing-revision support and strategic consulting.

Core Services:

Genomic Data Analysis

Our genomic data analysis services encompass the entire spectrum of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data, providing detailed insights through sophisticated bioinformatics techniques. All workflows include data processing, alignment, and reporting through our suite of integrative analyses.

  • Variant Calling and Annotation: We perform identification and annotation of genomic variants, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions/deletions (indels), and structural variants (SVs) from both DNA and RNA secuencing data. Our workflow includes standard quality control filtration and reporting, alignment to reference genomes, and functional impact prediction using gold-standard databases like dbSNP, ClinVar, and COSMIC.

  • Transcriptome Profiling: We offer industry-leading RNA-Seq data processing and analysis services that include differential quantification of gene expression, modeling of alternative RNA proccesing, and discovery of isoforms from both short-read and long-read data. We leverage a combination of tools and methods to ensure accurate and standard gene transcript counting, normalization, probability estimation, and interactive gene structure modeling. Our reports also come packed with integrative analyses of secuence regions of interest to provide deep insights into gene regulatory patterns and mechanisms.

  • Peak Calling: We support peak calling statistics for identification of nucleotide-protein interactions and binding sites from common types of immunoprecipitation experiments (ChIP-seq, i/eCLIP, etc.), as well as DNA methylation patterns and histone modifications from bisulfite sequencing and chromatin accessibility assays (ATAC-Seq). The workflow specificallly includes appropriate peak calling statistics and employs motif discovery tools.

  • Genome Assembly: We construct and annotate complete genomes from raw sequencing data through de novo assembly using standard assembler software. We provide statistics on scaffolding quality and confidence of assembly. Following assembly, we conduct genome annotation to identify genes, regulatory elements, and functional motifs within the new genome. Additionally, we offer comparative genomics analysis to identify conserved regions, structural variants, and evolutionary relationships, providing insights into genomic structures and functions.

  • Metagenomics Analysis (Coming Soon): Our forthcoming metagenomics services will include comprehensive sequence quality control, pre-processing, and alignment, taxonomic classification of microbial species using validated classifiers, and gene functional annotation to characterize microbial communities. Our services will also encompass diversity and comparative analysis to assess microbial diversity and compare samples using metrics such as alpha and beta diversity, offering a thorough understanding of complex microbial ecosystems.

Clinical Bioinformatics

Our clinical bioinformatics services leverage robust statistical techniques to transform clinical data into actionable insights, enabling precision medicine and personalized healthcare solutions. We integrate multi-omic datasets with clinical records to develop comprehensive models that support prognosis, disease progression monitoring, and informed clinical decision-support.

  • Outcomes Modeling: We develop predictive models for clinical outcomes using sophisticated machine learning and statistical techniques. We integrate multi-omic data with clinical records to build robust models of prognosis, disease progression, and general outcomes. We leverage genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics datasets, along with cohort demographics and clinical histories, to provide a comprehensive insigths and decision support framework.

  • Image Classification (Coming Soon): Our upcoming service will utilize deep learning algorithms to classify and analyze medical images. This includes the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and other advanced machine learning techniques to enhance diagnostic accuracy, monitor disease progression, and assist in clinical decision-making. The service will support various imaging modalities, including MRI, CT, X-rays, and histopathology slides.

Molecular Dynamics Analysis

Our protein modeling services offer a computational approach to understanding protein interactions. By employing our techniques and simulations, we provide insights into protein molecular dynamics, which is essential for drug discovery and understanding biological processes. For all workflows, we offer probability estimates based on the empirical distributions of macromolecular interactions. Post-analysis we leverage standard visualizion tools and scripting for reporting on models.

  • Protein-Protein Docking: We infer protein-protein and protein-ligand interfaces and binding affinities using standard three-dimensional docking tools. Our reports provide guided predictions for identifying potential drug targets and leverage our integrative framework for understanding the mechanistic basis of protein function. Our approach includes scoring functions to assess and characterize close-contacts, incorporating factors such as electrostatic interactions and solvation effects. We generate detailed interaction maps and energy profiles that provide insights into the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of binding and protein interaction events.

  • Molecular Dynamics Simulations: We perform detailed molecular dynamics simulations to capture the atomic behavior of proteins over time. Using industry-standard (in some cases bleeding-edge) tools, we simulate the conformational changes, flexibility, and stability of protein complexes under standard conditions. Our deliverables provide temporal and spatial resolution of molecular movements, allowing for the analysis of protein folding, binding kinetics, and allosteric regulation.

  • Comparative Structural Analysis: We assess protein conformations data to identify structural rearrangements and domain movements. We compare experimentally derived structures with simulated models, detect conformational shifts that influence protein function, and explore interaction complex capabilities. Additionally, we model how mutations of interest or ligand binding events alter a particular protein's structure and infer changes to its interaction network.

Coming Soon: Proteomics and Metabolomics

Our proteomics services offer a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the proteome, leveraging advanced mass spectrometry (MS) techniques to provide high-resolution insights into protein expression, modifications, and interactions data to support understanding cellular processes, identifying biomarkers, and developing targeted therapies.

  • Standard Quantitative Proteome Profiling
  • Protein Sequencing (QuantumSi) Analysis
  • Post-Translational Modification (PTM) Analysis
  • Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
  • Biomarker Discovery
  • Pathway Analysis

Key Differentiators:

Expert Leadership and Extensive Experience: Our network comprises highly skilled bioinformaticians with extensive experience across various domains of bioinformatics and computational biology. This expertise enables us to tackle complex bioinformatics challenges with confidence and precision, ensuring high-quality outcomes for our clients.

Innovative and Efficient Solutions: We leverage the latest technologies and methodologies to provide cutting-edge bioinformatics solutions. Our continuous commitment to innovation ensures that we deliver efficient and effective results, keeping our clients at the forefront of scientific advancements, and ensuring that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Client-Centric Approach with Customized Services: We prioritize our clients' needs, tailoring our services to meet their specific research goals. Our client-centric approach ensures optimal outcomes, as we collaborate closely with clients to understand their unique requirements and provide personalized solutions that drive their projects forward.


Code Description


All Other Professional, Scientific, And Technical Services
513210 Software Publishers
518210 Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, And Related Services
541511 Custom Computer Programming Services
541519 Other Computer Related Services
541690 Other Scientific And Technical Consulting Services
541714 Research And Development In Biotechnology (Except Nanobiotechnology)

Relevant PSC Codes

AJ11 General Science And Technology R&D Services; General Science And Technology; Basic Research
AJ12 General Science And Technology R&D Services; General Science And Technology; Applied Research
AJ13 General Science And Technology R&D Services; General Science And Technology; Experimental Development
B524 Special Studies/Analysis- Mathematical/Statistical
B529 Special Studies/Analysis- Scientific Data
B544 Special Studies/Analysis- Technology

Employee Count: GENOS LLC operates as a sole member LLC with at least 2 other in-network bioinfomatics scientist immediately available ready to provision contracts, ensuring personalized attention and direct involvement from the founder in all projects.

– Molecular Dynamics Client, UPR-RCM

"One of the best analyses that I've ever obtained from an external service provider [working with my data]."
Descriptive Alt Text
Photo: Provisioning Molecular Dynamics Analysis Custom Remote Service to Client Investigator.

Strategic location in Puerto Rico

GENOS is currently the only operational full-spectrum Bioinformatics-as-a-service (BaaS) brand in Puerto Rico. We have a commercial space co-location and SaaS partner agreement with local software corporation IT Group Technology Consultants Inc [Read more...]. Importantly, GENOS LLC is a company formed in Puerto Rico and its business dealings may qualify other local corporations for generation of Research Credits via Act60 incentive code [Read more...]. Additionally, GENOS LLC has participated in the BioLeap Accelerator Program's Inaugural Cohort and has the support of the Puerto Rico Science and Technology Reseach Trust [Read more...]. Finally, GENOS is a conceptualized brand, experimental business model, and incorporated organization actively being built by the Puerto Rico-based tech venture studio, Ozcorp Scientific [Read more...].

GENOS is committed to advancing scientific projects via the provisioning of excelent bioinformatics services & innovative custom platforms. Partner with us to maximize the use of your biological data into actionable insights and drive your lab's or agency's research forward.

About GENOS: [ Website | LinkedIn ]
GENOS LLC ( is a forward-thinking bioinformatics-as-a-service company enabling investigators to design and execute cutting-edge high-throughput data analyses without a significant investment in laboratory personnel, effectively reducing R&D bottlenecks and allowing the workforce to fully focus on executing assays and boosting revenue. Importantly, GENOS is an organization conceptualized and actively being built by the Ozcorp Scientific biotech venture studio, for more information visit